Math + Making

A student blog for Math 189AH: Making Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College

Making with Jackson

Jackson Salumbides

Throughout the semester, I learned a lot about applying math to fun and creative projects. I looked at several mathematical topics and tied them to unique projects across various different disciplines.

Project 0 – Drawing Fractile in PIL

For my first project we created a Mandelbrot Set Fractile Generator using Python. I learned about fractals, which is a concept I was not so knowledgable about before. We added a zoom function and color grading, which was pretty tricky!

Project 1 – Creating a Tangram Set

For Project 1, I created a traditional Chinese puzzle known as a Tangram Set. This was the most challenging project for my group, as none of us had experience in the wood shop. It was a valuable experience and we learned a lot.

Project 2 – Pen-graphing Harmonographs

Project 2, we decided to work with the pen plotter. The pen plotter was something I always found interesting. We created a program that generates a Harmonograph pattern. After this we uploaded SVG files to the pen plotter, which plotted these patterns.

Project 3 – Wooden Shelves

For our final project, we decided to make large wooden shelves. I wanted to revisit the wood shop as I had the most fun there and learned the most. We created hexagonal shelves that would be mounted on the wall. This was the most fun project and one I am most proud of.


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