Math + Making

A student blog for Math 189AH: Making Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College

Author: Savva Ignatov

  • Making Math with Savva

    Making Math with Savva

    Over the course of making math I learned a lot more about some math topics that I was interested in and got to try out technologies I was too scared of touching before as I didn’t have an assignment that required using them. Over the course of this blog post I will do a summary…

  • Klein Bottle in Blender

    Klein Bottle in Blender

    This is a continuation of my previous project, I wanted to create a more realistic Klein Bottle with the help of Blender. I always wanted to get to know how to use Blender to create complicated objects to then print out into reality. The first version To start the project I first tried making the…

  • Wooden Klein Bottle

    Wooden Klein Bottle

    Math behind Klein Bottles Klein Bottles were first founded by Felix Klein in 1870, as a display of an object that shouldn’t exist in our dimension. Klein bottles are made such that it is a non orientable surface of Euler characteristic 0. For an object to have a Euler characteristic of 0 we must…

  • Creating a Gömböc

    Creating a Gömböc

    The Gömböc is the world’s first homogeneous, self-righting shape (it even has a Guinness World Record). First hypothesized in 1995 by the Russian mathematician Vladimir Arnold, it wasn’t until 2007 that Hungarian mathematicians Gabor Domoks and Peter Varkonyi created the first computer model, and then a physical model of a Gömböc (New York Times). What…

  • Sphericoin Art and Sierpinski Triangles

    Sphericoin Art and Sierpinski Triangles

    Cutting the coin In order to cut the coin I used fixed the coin with a vice in order for it to stay still when cutting it with the dremmel.My first attempt of cutting the coin didn’t seem very effective, as I cut across the coin not very straight as I didn’t expect as much…

  • Sierpinski Triangle

    Sierpinski Triangle

    Drawing the triangle In order to draw the Sierpinski Triangle, which is a type of fractal, I used Python. I started by labelling three points on the (x,y) plane to represent my triangle. Then I used turtle to draw between those points. I then recursively found the mid-point between the drawn lines, and drew a…